XAFS for characterization of nanomaterials
(book chapter), Katsikini, M., Paloura, E.C.
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Wide band gap materials (book chapter), Katsikini, M., X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of SemiconductorsSpringer Series in Optical Sciences 190, 49-76 (2015).
Comparison of Fe and Si doping of GaN: An EXAFS and Raman study
, Katsikini, M., Pinakidou, F., Arvanitidis, J., Paloura, E.C., Ves, S., Komninou, P., Bougrioua, Z., Iliopoulos, E., Moustakas, T.D.
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Temperature dependent EXAFS of InN
, Katsikini, M., Pinakidou, F., Paloura, E.C., Komninou, Ph., Georgakilas, A., Welter, E.
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Fe distribution and speciation in human nails
, Katsikini, M., Pinakidou, F., Mavromati, E., Paloura, E.C., Gioulekas, D., Grolimund, D.
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Zn-K edge EXAFS study of human nails
, Katsikini, M., Mavromati, E., Pinakidou, F., Paloura, E.C., Gioulekas, D.
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Microstructural characterization of stoichiometric buried Si3N4 films, Paloura, E.C., Ginoudi, A., Markwitz, A., Lioutas, Ch., Katsikini, M., Bethge, K., Aminpirooz, S., Rossner, H., Holub-Krappe, E., Zorba, T., Siapkas, D., Nuclear Instruments and Methods B113, 227-230 (1996).
Impact of Oxygen on the Properties of Cu3N and Cu3–xN1–xOx, Zervos, M., Othonos, A., Pavloudis, T., Giaremis, S., Kioseoglou, J., Mavridou, K., Katsikini, M., Pinakidou, F., Paloura, E.C., The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, 3680–3688 (2021).